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의문구 앞에 쓰여 묻건대 영어로


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  • query
  • 앞에    aforementioned; in front; ahead; before
  • 묻건대    query
  • 건대    -건대 on the ground of; according to; in accordance with. 듣~ I hear[we learn] / according to the rumor / as the rumor goes. 이러한 사실로 보~ in the light of these facts. 내 경험으로 보~ judging from my experienc
  • 의문    의문 [疑問] [질문] a question; an interrogation; [의심] a doubt. ~의 죽음 a mysterious death. ~을 품다 have doubts / be skeptical / doubt. ~을 제기하다 pose[set up / raise / present] a question / throw[cast] a doubt
  • 문구    문구 [文具]1 ☞ 문방구2 =문식.문구 [文句] a passage; a paragraph; a sentence; words; a phrase; a clause; [표현] an expression. 편지의 ~ the wording of a letter. 재치있는 ~를 쓰다 use a witty expression.
  • 쓰여 있다    say; read; go
  • 튄문구 튄문구    Tuen Mun District
  • 건대구    건대구 [乾大口] a dried[cured] cod.
  • 라고 쓰여 있다    read
  • 명사로 쓰여진    substantial; substantive
  • 이라고 쓰여 있다    write
  • 돈의문    Donuimun
  • 소의문    Souimun
  • 의문명    Nomen dubium
  • 의문문    interrogative sentence; question
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